Gabby says “Hi.”
She is upset. Shock and surprise. Not!
Gabby just found out something that has made her upset.
We are in the process of holding a contest for Spin Cat and this brought up the subject of names.
Now she doesn’t like spin-cat so this has already got her whiskers in a bunch.
I have three cats and each one has their ‘original name’ but as you know cats never have only one name. It’s just impossible. Right?
Take Baily, my beautiful boy.
He is also named, Bay-Bay, Biddle Butt, Mr. Baily, My Baily-Boy, Mr. BeeLee, Baily-blue, and handsome boy.
You get the drift.
Gabby is just Gabby. oops.
Below is the conversation we had.

Gabby’s name game.
Here’s our conversation.
“Why do I have only one name?” Gabby asked.
“You just called Mr. Bailey Biddle Butt. I mean the name fits but still.”
“You also call him Mr. BeeLee.” She tipped her head which is adorable, but not good.
“That is called a nickname.”
“Oh. What is mine?” She asked.
Oh no. “What is your what?”
She moved closer to me and looked me in the eyes. “My nickname?”
‘Um.” I looked up waiting for inspiration. Nothing. Shit, I’m in trouble.
I looked at her and smiled. “You don’t have a nickname.”
“Why not! I am smarter than Biddle Butt.”
“A nickname doesn’t determine how smart you are.”
“Then why does he have one?” She slowly blinked.
“Term of endearment, ” I said knowing this would be bad.
“What does that mean? Is he endangered?”
Pivot CJ. Pivot now.
“Gabby you are special. You are the star of a book,” I said with enthusiasm. I looked up for the dramatic effect. “If you have a different name it might confuse the readers.”
“You are naming that dumb spin-cat a bunch of names!”
“It’s a contest to give him one name and he is not dumb. Just misunderstood. Besides, you already have a name.”
“He is dumb. How many cats chase their tail? That’s what dogs do.”
“Gabby I have seen you fall asleep with cat toys on your head. One might call that weird too.”
“That was for ninja training.” She looked around for a moment. “For balance. I should have more names since I am a star!”
” All of your other cat friends are in the book and they do not have nicknames.”
“They are sub-stars. Trunk is a dumbass and Daisy is a princess.”
“Those are not terms of endearment and what is a substars?” If I dare ask.
“They are sub-actors who make me look good.”
“You mean they have a supporting role or are a secondary character?”
‘Yes, they are second.” She said.
Shaking my head. “Gabby, Trunk, and Daisy are not endangered.”
“Trunk is endangered. How many cats can lick a wall like he can? He could win a prize and Vee, although pretty, sheds a lot. I almost choked to death from a Vee fur ball.” She looked down. Such an actress.
“Gabby, you got a bit of fur in your mouth. Spitting it out is not choking to death. I think you had a cat treat right after that.”
She washed her face.
“If Trunk wins a prize for being endangered, then he would be number one,” I said.
She looks at me hard. Then ignored me as usual. “I have nine lives, so nine names.” She lifted up her chin, scratches her neck, and leaned back.
“‘How about we create a nickname that you only use at home?”
“I’ll think about it. I need a cat nap.” She walked away and meowed. “Trunk would never win a prize unless it was one for participation.”
Oh Gabby, I smile.
CJ & Gabby
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